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The core philosophy of Sample-Studios is to support professional development for contemporary arts practitioners at our premises in Cork city.
We aim to support and promote emerging and established contemporary practitioners alike from Cork and beyond while endeavouring to sustain and develop local, regional and international initiatives. We also encourage the promotion of research and community outreach projects.

With a member base of over 40 practitioners, Sample-Studios houses a variety of professional artists from all disciplines.
Through TACTIC (our dedicated visual arts programme), Sample-Studios aims to contribute to the creative community in Cork with a programme of challenging and exciting art. This is realised in regular visual arts events in locations around Cork City as well as in venues further afield arranged through studio-group exchanges. Sample-Studios endeavours to promote arts research and community outreach projects through the educational and participatory elements of the programmes.

Through the introduction of our annual graduate bursaries, the organisation also harbours a unique potential for incubating and nurturing emerging artists wishing to develop their careers in an experienced and supportive environment. Students who are awarded this bursary receive membership for 6 months, access to shared facilities and a solo show as part of the organisation's visual arts programme. The two bursary types are:

• artist in residence programme

• curator in residence

The organisation provides a competent and consistent facility comprising of over 30 affordable studio work spaces within a creative environment.
The facilities are thoughtfully arranged to encourage innovative contemporary practice while also acting as a viable venue for commercial artists where they can meet prospective curators, buyers etc.