This data viz is based on the selected data from Irish Dog Control Statistics. It was done as a part of the assignament for the 'Tools and Methodologies' module of the Digital Arts and Humanities MA. The aim is (in my understanding) both technical and analytical: we (students) were asked to develop a storytelling for our visualizations. My "story" is that of design, not just interpretation. To do this viz "manually" (with D3.js, with a help of on-line sources - as always) allowed me to engage with the data on a very concrete level, to guess its hidden statistical bias and potential insights.
While very far from my actual interests in Arts nad Humanities, this data (chosen quite randomelly) was eventually
fairly interesting to work with. I keep the full storytelling for a lecturer and publish below the visual part.
Number of euthanized dogs (non-reclamed, non-rehomed)related to the number of strays
in Cork County (without City).
Number of dogs' licences related to general population in Cork County (without City), in thousands.
- humans
- dogs
- strays
- euthanized dogs
The choice of separate representation (for Cork County and City) is dictated by the data itself (presented separately
in the indicated source). I found it relevant to show urban and rural sides. The choice of parameters
(human versus dogs' population and stray's versus euthanized dogs number) was done with the intention to tease out
some tendencies.
Interesting detail (not appearing on the viz): the term euthanized is used since 2015: in 2004 we encounter
the term destroyed (dogs) while between 2005 and 2014, it is replaced by put to sleep. This mutation
of terminology is significant in itself as witnesses some mutation of mentalities.
I didn't find an official explanation for years 2006-2009 missing data and don't want to develop here further
speculations, but I would like just to notice that the named period is that, of the overheating and collapse of
Celtic Tiger's model. In my further research I would like to scoop more on the phenomenon of data's
availability and visibility (and its aesthetic and political aspects).
Number of euthanized dogs (non-reclamed, non-rehomed)related to the number of strays
in Cork City).
Number of dogs' licences related to general population in Cork City, in thousands.