today forecast for Cork (Ireland)


Born in Eastern Europe, having French nationality, living in Ireland, speaking five languages (and understanding three or four more) I have a difficulty to answer the question "what are you from?"

The same about my "profession". I hold an MA in Art History, have a long experience as an Art Teacher and a short one, as Web Designer. My current central activity is advocy.

I spend a lot of time coding. On your left (or top, if your screen is a mobile one), one of my painstacking exercises in P5.js.

I'm interested in Cultural Analytics' approach, in interactive Data Visualisation and Generative Art. I try to learn about all of that, via books and Internet.

Not sure waht for, I strated, in September 2018 an MA in digital Arts & Humanities and will be soon graduated with it. This website was created to record my "learning progression". It is hand made on Brackets, free of Wordpress, slow-cooked with HTML5, SVG, CSS Grid and Variables ingredients, with some Javascript.

my last inspiration

Lenin and snow